About Grace Moth

Grace Billington is a traditional artist based in Leicestershire, UK. She creates under the name Grace Moth, after her favourite little creatures (which she tends to draw. A lot.)

Using fine liner pens, coloured pencils, and dabbling in a bit of paint, highly detailed scribbles where born along with her son in 2017, and the rest is history. Sharing her love of all things creepy and magical on her Instagram page, her artwork is inspired by nature, folklore, and all things spooky. 

Grace lives in a small town with her cheeky little boy, seven hungry guinea pigs, and hopes to build her own magical art studio one day filled with ivy, magic, and more guinea pigs. Her BFG partner helps her with art/craft events up and down the country, and her customers make her insanely happy, especially when meeting them in person, and sharing the love for all that is strange and unusual.

Find Grace on Instagram here ~ @grace.moth